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Table of Contents

Jerry's New BeginningA success story about lifestyle change.
Radiant HealthGood health follows the laws of cause and effect.
Steps to Radiant LivingNEWSTART: Basic good health principles.
New Start +2Gratitude and service to others are health principles too.
The Radiant PersonThe inseparable four dimensions of life.
A Healthy AttitudeThe health value of a positive outlook.
A Happy FamilyFinding love and happiness at home.
Modern Lifestyle ChallengesMajor diseases and health problems
Hope for the HurtingAsking the hard question, "Why is there disease?"
True HealingConditions for miracle healing.
Counterfeit HealingDangerous healing miracles that don't come from God.
The Bible SaysCollected Bible verses about health.
Questions and AnswersBible verses sometimes misunderstood to apply to health.
The Final HealingJesus' second coming finally removes disease.

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Copyright © 2001 Family Heritage Books used by permission by Project Restore, Inc at projectrestore.com
Created: 12/19/01 Updated: 07/16/07