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  Remember cover

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The Remember magazine is also published under the title A Time for Joy. The magazine contents are the same, only the front cover is different.


A 32-page magazine, heavily illustrated.


The Beginning of Joy
The Weekly Cycle
Since the Beginning of Time
A Day to Remember
He Came to Nazareth
From Joyless to Joyful
Clouds on the Horizon
Under Siege
Joy Forever
A Day of Delight
Across the Centuries
Candid Confessions
Speaking Out
The Bible Says
The Law of God
Thought Questions Answered
A Day of Joy

A Time for Joy and Remember
Copyright 1998 by Family Heritage Books. Compiled and edited by Brian Jones. The text of this book is selected from the writings of Ellen G. White except where otherwise noted. The section "Thought Questions Answered" is adopted from materials published by Amazing Facts, Inc. Used by permission. Texts credited to NIV are from the Holy Bible, New International Version, copyright 1973, 1978, 1984, International Bible Society. Used by permission, Zondervan Bible Publishers.